tv Americas News HQ FOX News December 24, 2017 10:00am-11:00am PST
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her manager don't expect to be remembered. nice to make kids do something for them. lea: we should make those viewers as well. mike: will be back at 4:00 eastern. lea: more from washington with leland vittert and gillian turner. >> president trump sending the christmas eve hankie message to christmas eve hankie message to troops around the world while he celebrates the booming stock market and dropping unemployment numbers. gillian: also sending fbi director and her mccabe a lump of coal via twitter over his handling of the e-mail investigation. all the details straight from the winter white house. leland: one is christmas eve am a goal runner-up to see how millions of christians are celebrating from the vatican to the middle east coming to your own hometown. ♪ leland: and with that, a very
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merry christmas eve to you at home. du, gillian. welcome to "america's news hq" from washington. i'm in leland vittert. gillian: and i am gillian turner. president trump spending christmas eve in his mar-a-lago state sending holiday messages to troops. >> to bring seasons greetings on behalf of the first lady and our entire family and most importantly on behalf of the american people. today in everyday, we are incredibly thankful for you and for your family. gillian: has holiday greetings however did not extend to twitter where he renewed his criticism of the fbi and to his wife at the fake news media. foam or not, let's go to steve harrigan. he is live in west palm beach. steve, happy chris is to you. reporter: that is right, happy christmas to you. president trump was on the attack in the early morning hours on twitter, lashing out at two of his favorite targets. the mainstream media and also
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the fbi, taking particular aim at fbi director andrew mccabe. he lashed out in later on today "fox news sunday" chris wallace at the white house legislative director. it's such a tax on fbi are hopeful. >> the president saying we need to have -- we need to know civil servants are doing the honorable thing and it's important to know what happened in that investigation. >> in addition today at seattle federal judge has lifted partially a ban on immigration from 11 different nations, mainly muslim nations. those applications for visas processed down and government lawyers who argue such a been put in effect in october for national security reasons now thinking of their next move. this afternoon the president and the first lady with a number children will take part to norad to track santa claus around the
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globe. gillian, that he appeared gillian: the children talking to norad is one of my favorite traditions to watch. merry christmas. >> you, too. leland: we will be waiting for that. the man who targeted police and a series of shootings on a day came to the united states through chain migration. here is his picture. the department of homeland security says auckland auckland was a naturalized u.s. citizen who came to america from egypt on a family-based visa. he opened fire on several police officers outside of the capital of harrisburg, pennsylvania before he was shot and killed by allied resident authority. right now investigating his possible ties to terror groups are at terror sympathies. gillian: a christmas tradition in california being used to take a stand against president trump's immigration policies. will carr standing by with his annual party and to take a jab at the white house. what can you tell us?
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reporter: well, gillian, no secret governor jerry brown has pushed back on the immigration policies and this seems to be only escalating attention. brown decided to use a christmas tradition of granting pardons to and his word bestow acts of mercy. we are talking back to are talking my two cambodian men. one was convicted in 2034 felony joy riding. the other convicted in 1995 on a felony weapons charge and receiving stolen property. both were immigration raid set to be deported to maryland christmas. the federal judge issued a temporary restraining order on now. now. one man has hardly been released from custody and is back with his family. the other is still in custody, transcendent. several were describing him as
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kind and dangerous than as a role model to those who face insurmountable challenges. governor brown butted heads with the trump administration in october when he sang sanctuary state legislation which places limitations on both state and local authorities to place federal laws and really important to know as well that just because the men were pardoned doesn't mean that they won't be parted at some point in both to reopen their cases. gillian. gillian: thanks for that. more coming up with leland vittert merry christmas. leland: breaking down the fight between the california governor in president trump. harrisburg pa-based radio host, rj harris fighting with wh p. online as well around the country and around the world. good to see you, rj. >> great to see you. nice to be with you. leland: love the christmas time. is this an amway a good title
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for president trump to be fighting especially with his base? >> well, i think without question one of the largest problems in america is better border situation is still horrible and it's been that way for years. we argued this during the reagan era, gave clemency to people, said we were going to fix it and never have. i think it is interesting that jerry brown is taking a jab at the white house by releasing somebody who was arrested on weapons charges following these weapons charges related to gang activity. you've got to be kidding me. leland: it does seem like a softball for a tweaked at least sometime in the next couple days for president trump. >> without question. a proper softball, we really need to get our immigration situation straightened out. not only the border is because also who is coming in.
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we need the right people coming here and that, by the way, is not code for race, color, creed, religion. it really means the folks who can contribute something to the american economy and our way of living. leland: there is a lot of discussion about a piece in "the new york times" talking about how president trump want to do more in immigration, especially 2018. and this quote is getting a lot of pushback from the white house, talking about an oval office meeting. 40,000 come from nigeria, mr. trump, added. one scene in the united states, they would know goal -- never go back to africa. the white house pushing back very hard on the height issue. this is a president who wants to do more. although he needs the congress for money for the wall, there are certain things the democrats will hold hostage on daca. how much can president trump is
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democrats in order to get something through against which you want, which is awol. >> well, i have never believed that we are going to be successful sending all illegals back. i think that is not in the realm. leland: so, you would he okay giving the president political cover on your radio show to make a deal available on daca? >> in fact i have. but, if any deal is to become, it has to be with the borders taking care of. i stress, people come from everywhere. remember quite a few few years back with chinese illegals. this is not just south of our border. it is about illegals. that needs to be brought in to chat. if we are going to give up anything, we need to have secure borders in return. leland: secure borders and something the president is talking about is redoing illegal immigration as well.
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we think about what is happening in harrisburg in the last 48 hours to try to get the name right here, i'll knock the, something that the president is talking about shutting down, his white house have looked at shutting down. where is the priority here? you know that democrats are going to try and stop the president on immigration issues at every step. >> well, the democrats are backing criminals and jerry brown showed that. this fellow was not. but if you are here legally, the democrats are in you. you've got a president who wants to deal with illegal immigration of which there is sound, and there's not a lot. and there are many who are here
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illegally. >> absolutely. people love quote, unquote won the lottery and then they come in behind them. i just think it's a crazy way to admit people to our country. we need to get to a standard where they have a sponsor. they have a job and will contribute to the american economy. in their minds as just another to go for. leland: a lot to come out of harrisburg as they look into this fellow's background, holly came over and if this was a terror attack him and the implication of that. that is something talking about next week on the show and we look forward to having you back to talk about it here. >> love you guys. merry christmas. leland: merry christmas to you as well. gillian. gillian: with tax reform in the rearview mirror, many members based their two-week holiday recess in the new year. house and senate republicans have until january 192, but another bipartisan pending deal
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and figure out the future of the obama airy dream act. for more next time i want want to bring republican strategists ron meyer and democratic strategist and one c. wright. gentleman come in merry christmas eve. thanks for being with us. i want to go to you first on these challenges. the congress is going to face in the new year and the tax reform, major political victory for the president at a steep hill for them decline. we are talking about the challenge is, like any $1 billion is a disaster relief for places like california, texas, puerto rico, to $700 billion the president put forward for military spending in the new year and any single item issues like daca and children's health care and the border wall. what you think they will tackle first? >> well i mean, you have it right. january 19th is the first day. the first thing they have to tackle is the budget or sunday
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on spending. you have to remember this is in the context of tax to the context attacks upon the just passed. both sides agree we want to spend more, but how much we want to spend. we have her public can majorities in the senate and the house in republican president. that's a conversation we are having. we have to figure out is very health care fix. will there be a deal on daca because we have the continuation expires soon. will there be that compromise or republicans in exchange for some increase border security it is going to be a part january but the ones can not be time and as fire from a firing to be taken out. gillian: it is more urgent. antwan, i want to ask you what the senate is going to look we've got some remarkable change in the keenest myth is going to
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succeed off to succeed off frank succeed off to succeed off frank gannon for the first time in a long time democrat doug jones in alabama. how is this going to change the calculus for the president. >> well, congress is going to have to get back to the basis and do the things they attempt to do. they have to realize they are the most hated institution in the country. i think the approval rating was negative zero last time i checked. 9 million poor kids in this country have access to affordable quality health care. they have to also do something for daca. these people came here, no fault of their own. it is our responsibility to deal with that in a very bipartisan gillian: what about, i don't
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want to give you your answer here, ron, that is the president ending on a high note, in the sense there's been huge challenges that still remain committed cheap now that tax reform under the about, closing out the year and a strong outcome of strong footing with the stock market. unemployment is doing quite well. >> there is some reason to feel like he is to he is to win that back with tax reform. not one democrat voted for a middle-class tax cut. i was at my barber yesterday. >> because it not a middle-class tax cut. >> hold on. i was at my barber yesterday. she thought she was getting a tax increase. she's actually going to get a $1500 tax cut. 85% to 95% of of americans but not one democrat voted for it. if there are reasonable conferences with democrats across the aisle were they going to refuse to get trump any victories to a democrat devotes worry. i think the bipartisanship
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should be infrastructure. issues like immigration, health care for children, that things were republicans. cuts are actually helping the middle class. gentleman, thank you so much. leland: somebody got in the last word. gillian: were compromised in the new year, right after our show, chris wallace as an exclusive interview with ben cardin at 2:00 p.m. eastern. >> i think the panel on "fox news sunday" this weekend is particularly insightful. gillian: it might feature one of your favorite faces. leland: or director just namespace. that's coming up right after the show at 2:00 p.m. eastern.
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an american captured on the syrian battlefield and accused of fighting with bases militants must be given access to a lawyer or that is according to the ruling of the u.s. federal judge. the unidentified man surrendered to u.s. fighters and sierra in september and is now being held as an unlawful enemy combatant in neighboring iraq. the aclu has sued over the american citizens request for legal counsel after weeks of interrogation. on the road traveling this holiday. the team either pictures or the new jersey turnpike. my favorite at the newark international airport. other roads rails are coping with the traffic while trying to keep all the passengers safe and secure. plus coming closer look at president trump's tough words for the fbi, tweeting even on christmas eve the words criticism for the agency's
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deputies. amid the violence and destruction in syria and other hotspots around the world, a look at how communities can push back against intolerance. echoed by pope fran says. >> dear brothers and sisters, the prince of peace for the whole world, especially for the population suffering the most doing to ongoing conflict.
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pope francis offered his prayers just hours before he will celebrate the christmas eve vigil mass in st. peter's square. gillian: a record number of americans hitting the road, the rails on the airwaves this christmas. heightened security concerns across the country could make it pretty difficult. joining us in new york with more on this. >> jillian, as you mentioned, this holiday season to break all records. according to aaa, an unprecedented 107.3 million people will be going to grandma's house. out west, there are some tough highway conditions. heavy snow in colorado combined with so many people in many people on the roads is many people on the roads is forced to shut down parts of i. 70. officials opened shelters, blowing snow and icy conditions and stranded travelers for hours. more people will be flying this
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year compared to a year ago. if you wait until now to travel, smart move today in december 30th expected to be the least congested days for air travel. the busiest airport in los angeles, chicago, dallas and new york jfk. here in new york expect it to be 6 million visitors during the holiday season. an increased security at churches for midnight mass through christmas day. in fact, more security throughout the entire city, including n.y.p.d., state police and the national guard. andrew cuomo says there is no non-credible threat, but as it is best to play it safe. >> given the recent events, we believe it is prudent to increase security during the major transportations. >> you're in new york city, expected to be a wet christmas
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and if it gets cold enough possibly a white one. other parts of the northeast could also experience slippery road conditions. remember though, it is the journey, not the destination. gillian: i like that. i will take it. merry christmas to you. leland: not for santa to potomac river here in washington and where you can tell santa is taking a break from delivering presents. presents. an annual tradition here in the washington area. the big guy and his friend says you can't be tooling around under his watercraft. there was the jet ski ranch taking to the waves. according to the statement, doing this for decades here in washington organized by local residents is a unique way to spread holiday cheer. i am not sure what the cheer is, but it's definitely unique. gillian: i am feeling the cheer.
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i would also say that honest i don't think there's jellyfish in the potomac this time of year. leland: they often cancel the swimming portion because of how dirty the potomac is. these are very brave santos. gillian: they are. taking risks. we commend them. what happens in the occupied wall street? update on a cause that is gone, but not forgotten. a top fbi official has landed in the president twitter crosshairs here it is andrew nick cave the deputy fbi director really ready to call it quits?
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of its core values says part of an uncompromising institutional integrity. putting the agency a local scrutiny. scrutiny. our own ellison barber joins us with the latest developments on the bureau. what can you tell us? >> president trump is not in d.c., but ill talking about the fbi on twitter. fox news has learned that the acting fbi director andrew mccabe is eligible for retirement in march. for weeks there have been rumors about a potential retirement to the handful reporting yesterday that he would retire in the new year and almost immediately fired off a number of treat. the white house defended on "fox news sunday." >> is not helpful for the president to repeatedly attacked top officials of the fbi? >> the american people have a right to the investigation. as you remember that to eat,
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tear him a call if it is political friend. he gave $700 contribution to mccabe's wife running for office at the same time their launch an investigation. reporter: mccabe spent two days, 14 hours testifying. the closed-door meetings were not meant that to discredit the special counsel's russia investigation. >> the hearing is quite an attempt at diversion from the real issue, which is the ration at times to subvert the last election and possible collusion with the certain collusion by members of the tribe campaign. >> fox news learned james baker was removed from a prominent position on the general counsel. the council is read on all of
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the investigations handled by the fbi. baker is not fired, there reassigned in his reassignment to somehow be tied to a separate leak investigation. the "washington post" said sources tell them this is a normal part of a new director coming into the bureau. "politico" reported on friday that a chris tied to a mother jones journalist on the existence of the trump dossier. the journalist said baker was not his source. gillian: thanks for that. leland: data helper with those washington beacon. the book came out in 2014, but especially now, still highly relevant. not to happy with that. it seems as though the president is getting up this idea that they felt they could act with impunity for lack of a better term both during the obama years. establish your reporting found? >> i think even more sinister. he's not only suggesting
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impunity. you suggesting they have the whole system against him and essentially trying to ruin his own presidency by making these charges of collusion and what not, which is turned into special counsel. it is even deeper than what the president is suggesting. leland: what you're suggesting is deeper. let's break that down point to point. clinton is acting with impunity and having at the very least top cover from the fbi and from the justice department. fair or not fair. >> no smoking gun, but evidence to suggest things happen such as andrew mccabe's wife getting this money and terry mcauliffe running for political office. routinely answered i think just in general the scrutiny that donald trump himself has had for her various families. >> there is the tarmac meeting,
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some other things, special meetings if you will. is there any fear from the clinton world and we know we ask his sources there there could be another special counsel appointed to look into that? >> i don't think there is direct fear. there is a weirdness about the radical massive president trump. there is worry some, worried that he might use the system against her. the clinton world itself has shrunk dramatically. democrats writ large are not clintonian anymore. you have a party searching for a new leader would largely moved on from the clintons. in some way, very isolated and in the way a matter of the past. leland: a lot of people thought the clintons were done in 2008 when hillary loss to barack obama in the primaries. the question be either some democrats more than happy to sit
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back and watch cisco wants in hopes that it really finally pushes the clintons all the way out? >> i don't think anybody is cheering for, but separately most democrats -- there's still a place. leland: they may not wish them ill, they may wish them gone, though. there is something else that broken sword of a parallel here to this "politico" story about a dea investigation into hezbollah, the iranian military group shut down by the obama administration. if there was an fbi democrats would march on the investigation into a russian organized crime syndicate shut down by president trump, democrats would march on the white house, demanding impeachment. is there going to be more -- is there possibly going to be a special counsel or other look into this?
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>> one of the big unknowns that the justice department, the fbi is under the special counsel. leland: as is the dea. >> under the special counsel under president trump. one person you're not hearing from as jeff sessions which is a very low profile. we learned months ago between the attorney general and the there was lots and lots of confidence. jeff sessions is really treading lightly, trying to suggest he's looking into having special investigation and the obama administration but without competing anything. so where does he stand in all this and when is he going to be? leland: here is the latest week. how can fbi deputy director andrew mccabe, the man in charge along with leaking james call me of the phony hillary clinton investigation. here's the question.
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at what point does the president tell the attorney general had done tweeting about these people. i won't mccabe gone. >> is a little surprising he didn't do that when he fired call me because he was his right hand. customarily when you get rid of the principle the deputies only a matter of time. obviously, there is a little something tricky going on here and you're trying to give them the full pension or is trying to get his full pension to ride it out, but he could be fired at any given time if the right people made the call. >> although the president learned firing james coleman was a political price. >> about 90 days suggesting that maybe he won't. obviously that's pure speculation. leland: danielle, appreciate your help as always.
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but the ink in the book. we'll talk to you soon. leland: you probably remember the occupied wall street. where is it now? have they dissolved and could they accomplish their object is? rick leventhal joins us with the latest. >> it began september 17, 2011 in new york city. just a few blocks from the financial capital of the world. inspired in part by europe spring protest overseas. occupied wall street was a social movement against income inequality, corporate greed and the influence of big business and politics. almost overnight good diverse group of demonstrators grew to almost 10,000. spreading to hundreds of cities across america.
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and more than 80 countries worldwide. locations among city leaders and law enforcement and authorities began arresting protesters in clarion encampments and roughly two months after it launched the occupied movement faded. >> occupied wall street. >> i call it a constructive failure. reporter: from the opposite of the canadian magazine in the summer 2011, envisioning it as a leader for the movement. a revolution for the people, by the people. >> obviously they did a lot of good teams. it changes income inequality, but did we give the power to the 99%? did we change america? no. >> the crowds that fueled the initial success eventually helped lead. you had all these people saying
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those streets, our streets. yet they were getting in the way of people owning these streets. >> occupied wall street evolved into something else, morphed into something else. >> he went nearly every single day for two months. but as a protester, but a social occupied movement energized generation. >> i think it did energized than a brought something into american politics that's been missing for a long time which is the voices of ordinary people. >> decides black list monitor and the success of bracing his campaign is how it carried on. >> it was a turning point in the political conversation and i
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think it will be remembered as such. >> way too spoke was called in to protest as we may never see anything like occupy again. >> the ultimate problem of protest is there's a certain point. occupy was the biggest, the loudest after a certain point that you can't be any bigger. you can be the latter. >> the only way they can truly succeed is to win elections. in new york, rick leventhal, fox news. leland: so, will palestinians take christmas off from clashing with the israeli army over president trump's recent announcement? we will see if the holy land can find peace if only for a day. and british prime minister theresa may's message to the men and women's serving in the uk's armed forces. >> today as we face these threats, your work continues to make the world a safer place. quit smoking.
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>> this christmas as people across the united kingdom celebrate that special time of year with their families and friends, we will do so secure in the knowledge that our servicemen and women, many faraway from loved ones at the special time of year are working to keep us safe. >> british prime minister theresa may delivery and a heartfelt message in her christmas message. the prime minister gave the address after british eating -- visiting british troops and use the opportunity to thank them for making such huge sacrifices, especially during a time of your best map with family. >> bethlehem at christmas, lots of christmas carols written about the birthplace of jesus every year. at this time the city is packed with tourists, but today is very
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different scene. conor powell live in jerusalem as palestinians use the christmas holidays to make a political statement. reporter: as you know from her time in the holy land, it's always an atmosphere with a celebration not only a crisp is, but also christianity. this season has been a different holiday season by weeks of violent protests by palestinian muslims and christians following president trump's recent announcements to unilaterally recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. today the christmas eve celebration well underway, bethlehem is very peaceful. the mood is much difficult than in past years with president trump's decision front and center. signs all over the place in jerusalem is the capital of palestine and palestinian
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president mahmoud abbas issued a message calling on the christian community to listen to the holy land and reject president trump as is israel's capital while the catholic priests in the holy land, who's been vocal made a very public display today through the checkpoint to enter bethlehem through jerusalem. despite their recent column today, we do expect in the coming days and weeks, there will be more protest against the u.s. decision. leland: yeah, they were burning pictures of president trump just a couple weeks ago. conor powell current thank you. we'll see how christmas goes. gillian: putting piece about politics. division in congress in the deep political divide across much of america. for more about how we can come together in the new year.
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[inaudible] gillian: christmas came early for one little boy who got to see his older brother who went in with the u.s. marines. ♪ how do you chase what you love with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis? do what i did. ask your doctor about humira. it's proven to help relieve pain and protect joints from further irreversible damage in many adults. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure.
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gillian: 2017 has been a supercharged era in american politics putting it mildly. with a wide range of issues like splitting american opinions splitting american opinions among family members, how can the holiday season bring about the holiday season bring about peace and unity in 2018? here to help us answer, father, thank you for being with us this
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afternoon. charlie merry christmas. so here's something interesting. i was believing what they put out on december 12th about americans and religion and they tell us that an increasing number of americans increasingly as a cultural holiday, rather than religious holiday. today the number is around 46, today 46 feet as a strictly religious holiday, which is down 8% from four years ago. does that surprise you? what do you make of it? >> it's just not history. i don't know what to say. it's like if you say 9/11, that was the day in which everybody came together and loved each other. no, it wasn't. it was the day in which there was terrible terrorism involved. christmas happens to be a religious holiday of.
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this is not something i make you not to the churches make up, but a day that jesus of nazareth was born 2000 years ago. billions of christians around the world believe that not only was he born on that day because that is an historical fact, but that he was the son of god. of course, that part of it is faith here that his religion. we can't say christmas is something else. let me tell you real quickly, about two weeks ago the government agency came to me and asked me if they could use their church home so the local politicians could give out gifts. for whatever reason i don't know because they asked me, we only have one request. would you please take down the christmas tree in your parish hall so we don't offend people, people don't get their wrong idea we're celebrating christmas. i didn't have the right idea in the parish hall.
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i brought one down and i said you're welcome to use this church hall to give out christmas gifts and christmas is a religious holiday. russia's history. gillian: i understand what you are saying, but is there room to include americans in the holiday and in the holiday spirit of a religious or perhaps folks who attend mosque and synagogue? don't we want to include everybody in the holiday spirit of christmas? >> absolutely. we should also be historically include americans in the holiday and in the holiday spirit of a religious or perhaps folks who attend mosque and synagogue? don't we want to include everybody in the holiday spirit of christmas? >> absolutely. we should also be historically accurate. hanukkah, let's bring out a menorah and explained that this was a day in which the jewish celebrate the restoration of the temple. wonderful, let do it. but flight those candles and explained to the kids we are giving these free gifts out to in the example i gave you what hanukkah is all about. same thing with christmas. let's not pretend this is just
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random weird giving of gifts were being nice to each other are celebrating their families. does that make sense? leland: let's not reduce any of the holidays to commercial enterprise because that is at least the purpose of everything. i know you have a special message for viewers about the unique role to author america in particular in the new year, how it can halt or nest together during what is admittedly been a pretty tough time when it comes to politics americans are more divided along political lines than ever before. >> if you want to make everybody not, say i love donald trump or hate donald trump. you will make a lot of people mad. though we all know that politics doesn't solve our personal issues. christmas is yes the celebration of a child named jesus of nazareth who was born on christmas day, but that child
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according to our christmas believes came to redeem us from our sin and give us another chance for us to be able to say let's start over and put aside our selfish and egotistical tendencies and let's choose to love. after all, human beings unlike any other has the ability to choose to say i'm going to use my free will to live and not as though we are celebrating today. leland: so long for the new year for 2018. that's a message everyone can get behind. thank you for bringing it to us today, father jonathan. merry christmas to you. >> very christmas to you, gillian. leland: a lot of a lot of love in that room. a great surprise just in time for christmas. one marine gave his family a gift better than anyone on the tree. we are tracking santa with the help of norad when we come back.
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